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ScaleAgData is a new Horizon Europe project aiming to improve the monitoring of agri-environmental conditions.

In short

ScaleAgData is a new Horizon Europe project aiming to improve the monitoring of agri-environmental conditions. In particular, ScaleAgData will focus on unlocking the huge potential that lies in opening the data from in-situ sensors so as to benefit the farmers and upscale local observational or sensed data by integrating them with earth observation data to enhance the environmental monitoring capabilities. All the innovations that will be co-designed within the project, will be showcased in six Research and Innovation Labs each one focused on different thematic.

This will enable the assessment of the proposed innovations and data governance frameworks, and demonstrating added values of the improved monitoring capabilities for a range of users, including small-scale and agro-ecological farmers, the financial sector, and policy makers.

With these outcomes, ScaleAgData aims at contributing to the overall competitiveness and sustainability performance of the European agricultural sector, and to the work of the HE candidate partnership “Agriculture of Data” and the Soil Mission.

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