GM Business Plan – Business Plan

The “GM Business Plan – Business Plan” application has been developed in order to calculate the cost and the expected revenue for each sector of production, per quarter-acre or per animal.

In short

The particular application forecasts the estimate of the expected cost (inputs) and the expected efficiency (outputs) of an agricultural holding, which are due to occur during a cultivation period or a breeding cycle.

The functionalities of the specific application have to do with the creation of an agricultural holding’s profile, its particular characteristics that shape its production capacity, the detailed mapping of its production sectors, in order to be able to calculate the cost analysis per production sector, measurement unit (quarter-acre, animal) and desired efficiency.


For the necessities of this particular application’s function, all the necessary information that pertains to the agricultural economy and has to do with both its financial and agronomical constituents has been codified.

The aforementioned cost analysis and the desired outcome result from the utilisation of a specialised questionnaire, after the interested party undergoes an interview, conducted by the relevant agro-economist.

The capability of questionnaire support is provided through a tablet application, which updates the electronic application with the necessary data, in order for the relevant processes to run and the indexes to be calculated.

The indices that the specific electronic application can calculate pertain to the break-even point, gross revenue, gross profit, etc.

Additionally, the aforementioned application supports the conduct of a feasibility study in order to forecast the financial result of the enterprise that will result from implementing the business plan.