Project website

The main aim of the LIFE GAIA Sense project, which NEUROPUBLIC coordinates, is the demonstration and proliferation of the gaiasense smart farming system within the framework of circular economy models.

In short

The LIFE GAIA Sense project is based on the innovative gaiasense smart farming system and aims to prove its contribution to the reduction of natural resources consumption as a means to protecting the environment and supporting Circular Economy models.

Through the project, 18 demonstration areas will be created in Greece, Spain and Portugal that will concern 9 types of crops (olives, peaches, cotton, peanuts, potatoes, tomatoes, walnuts and kiwis) in diverse soil and microclimatic conditions.

Through these areas, an innovative method, based on advanced technology, will be demonstrated, which is appropriate for reproduction and, at the same time, affordable and economic for the farmers, either individually or collectively, through their Agricultural Cooperatives.

The project LIFE GAIA Sense is co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union under contract number LIFE17 ENV/GR/000220


LIFE GAIA Sense aims:
  • To promote efficient resource use practices to the SMEs of the agrarian sector and, possibly, contribute to the implementation of a “Road Map” towards an efficient Europe, in terms of resource use.
  • To promote and install a large-scale smart farming agriculture for the collection and analysis of data, as well as creating 18 areas for demonstrating gaiasense’s smart farming solutions.
  • To create a network of scientists and professionals with the purpose of adapting the smart farming services and models to the needs of each area and crop.
  • To implement the results in the field and to measure the input reduction percentage in selected crops. Additionally, to correlate gaiasense’s results to the goals that the E.U. has set for circular economy.
  • To measure gaiasense’s impact to the soil, water and air quality.
  • To disseminate the project’s results at a national and European level, and to create a strong business model in order to ensure the reproduction and viability capability.
  • To shape efficient resource use management implementation policies in the agricultural sector.

Setting off from investing in the success of small-scale application, the project aims to attract the interest of the larger groups of interested parties, in order to achieve the necessary scale for attempting meaningful adaptation efforts, e.g. from local cooperatives to organisations such as Copa Cogeca.