Integrated Accounting Information System for Aid and Unduly Paid sums

  • Field of Interest: E-government

This is double-entry information system that allows, among other things, the cataloguing and management of payment orders, the monitoring of registries of beneficiaries/guarantees and the issuing of reports towards the E.U and the supervising certification agencies.

In short

Integrated Accounting Information System for Aid

The Community’s legislative framework forces upon the Payment Agencies a series of requirements for proper registering and monitoring of their financial activities.

NEUROPUBLIC has developed a double-entry information system for OPEKEPE (the Greek Payment Authority of Common Agricultural Policy (C.A.P.) Aid Schemes)’s Aid Accounting department that allows, among other things, the registering and management of payment orders, the monitoring of registries of beneficiaries/guarantees and the issuing of reports towards the E.U and the supervising certification agencies.

At the same time, the management, customization and monitoring of OPEKEPE’s accounting plan and its interconnection with the Community’s ABB nomenclature, so that it conforms fully to the E.U. requirements, is achieved using this system.


Subsystem for Unduly Paid Sums

In the subsystem for Unduly Paid Sums, the management and monitoring of the unduly paid sums takes place in the “for Unduly Paid Sums” subsystem, both for the Community and national part, in full compliance with the European Community’s rules.

Through the subsystem, the claims and recoveries per sort and case type are monitored in detail, with a plethora of reports and documentation.

Specialized reports/statistical files are provided in all subsystems, with the capability of extracting them in different types (PDF, XLS, TXT).

Benefit for the Agency

To fully meet the specific requirements of the paying agency, a new single database and a single custom system have been created that ensure and enable the Agency to operate in a unified approach, with online collaboration between the departments involved and have brought significant improvements in productivity and quality. operation of the Agency.

Has helped the Agency respond adequately and quickly to the day-to-day workload, to the correct display of information, to the public and to periodic audits by external audit organizations.